Strontian & Ardgour
Small village where Strontium was discovered and gateway to Ardnamurchan Peninsula
The name Ardgour means 'height of the goats'. This is the region just noorth of Corran Ferry and east of Ardnamurchan and Morvern. You can still see feral goats in this huge, sparsely populated wilderness bordered by Loch Shiel, Loch Eil, Loch Linnhe and Loch Sunart.
Access is via the A861 south from Kinlocheil, or on the Corran Ferry to the tiny lochside villages of Corran and Clovulin. There's accommodation here at The Inn at Ardgour, Tel. 01855-841225.
The attractive little village of Strontian on the shores of Loch Sunart gave its name to the element strontium, which was first discovered in the nearby lead mines in 1790. These now-abandoned mines also produced most of the lead shot used in the Napoleonic wars.
Strontian is the largest settlement in these parts and has a post office/petrol station, shops, hotels, cafe/restaurants, crafts and the high school with community library and internet access.
It also has a VisitScotland Tourist Information Centre: Tel.402131, open April to October: Mon-Fri 0900-1700, sat 1000-1600, Sun 1000-1400.
About two miles north of the village is the Ariundle Nature Reserve, which offers a pleasant two-hour nature trail through the glen and a 40-minute forest walk.
Phone code: +44 (0)1967
Eating Out
KIlcamb Lodge is the best. Strontian Hotel Bar has good bar food whilst Ariundle is good and wholesome!
You can also eat at Ben View Hotel W: T: 01967402333
There is friendly cafe in the middle of the village called Cafe Sunart which is open all day in the summer. Home baking and food to keep you going!
W: Facebook Page T: 01967 402277
Nearby Distilleries
Strontian & Ardgour Hotels & Accommodation
Aside from local self-catering, the best hotel in the area is Kilcamb Lodge (see below). Over the bay, there is the Strontian Hotel which has a local bar with bar grub - in good weather, sit out and enjoy the view.
W: T: 01967 402029
Up the valley following the Strontian River there is the Ariundle Centre which has accommodation as well as open all day restaurant with a focus on simple and wholesome food with local and organic written all over it. There are some good walks here and craft with workshops, etc Wifi in restaurant as well.
W: T: 01967 402279