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Timeline of Scottish History

A timeline of events in Scottish History!. Scroll through a growing chronology of events and click on them for more details and links

James Graham Medical


James Graham / Medical Pioneers

  • Name  : Graham
  • Born  : 1745
  • Died  : 1794
  • Category  : Kings and Queens
  • Finest Moment : An early voice for the vegetarian movement

'One of the more eccentric medics, mixing patent medicines with vegetarianism'

James Graham was born in Edinburgh, in the Cowgate area. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University, but it is unclear as to whether he graduated; probably not, as he went on to make a name as 'a quack, and possibly a madman'.

It may be that he was regarded as a madman by some due to his promotion of vegetarianism, long before it became popular, but he was certainly regarded as a 'quack' due to his peddling of patent medicines and cures. This he proceeded to do throughout Britain and America, claiming members of the aristocracy and even minor royalty as clients.

An enthusiastic self-publicist, he was imprisoned several times for fraud. He died in 1794.

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