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Rum is the largest of the small isles of the Inner Hebrides and is visited daily by CalMac ferries from Mallaig.

This is the wildest of the small isles but supports just a tiny population of scientists studying its ecology. It is home to the magnificent Sea Eagle and also Golden eagles. The highest point of Askival at 2664 feet is climable and scrambleable and offers more magnificent views.

Another good reason to visit Rum is to see Kinloch Castle which is an extraordinary Edwardian Castle filled with antiques, sort of frozen period peice. You can red a short history here. It is possible to stay on Rum in the hostel located in the old servants quarters of the house where there is also a "bistro". (see website details here or call 01687 462037) There are also some secluded bothies.

Anybody visiting should be aware of the large population midges which can be ver persistant little buggers if you are not protected.

Travel Directions to Rum

Daily ferries by Calmac from Mallaig