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Timeline of Scottish History

A timeline of events in Scottish History!. Scroll through a growing chronology of events and click on them for more details and links

Strong position of the Scots on the Wear

Provisions now began to fail in the Scottish eamp, which had hitherto been plentifully supplied, and the two Scottish commanders consulted together what was best to be done. Randolph recommended the hazards ing a battle; but Douglas, who, with all his keenness for fighting, was a great calculator of means, insisted that the disparity of force was too great, and proposed a retreat, which, from the nature of the ground, was nearly as dangerous as a battle. Behind the Scottish camp was stretched a large morass, which was deemed impassable for cavalry, and which had effectually prevented any attack in their rear. In the front was the river Wear, the passage guarded by the English army, which outnumbered the Scots by forty thousand nien; and on each flank were steep and precipitous banks. To have attempted to break up their camp, and retreat in the day-time, in the face of so superior an enemy, must have been certain ruin.

The Scottish leaders, accordingly, on the evening which they had chosen for their departure, lighted up their camp fires, and kept up a great noise of horns and shouting, as they had been wont to do. Meanwhile they had prepared a number of hurdles, made of wands or boughs, tightly wattled together, and had packed up in the smallest compass their most valuable booty. At midnight they drew off from their encampment, leaving their fires burning, and having dismounted on reaching the morass, they threw down the hurdles upon the softer places of the bog, and thus passed over the water-runs in safety, taking care to remove the hurdles so as to prevent pursuit by the enemy.